Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fun with light....

Matt and I spent the afternoon with some local photographers learning all about lighting and portraiture. A special thanks to David deGroot for walking me through this standard 3 strobe lighting setup.

It was a great afternoon, and the Cyber Syncs are so much

Here is a simple lighting setup diagram...

This is a very common setup, nothing too new going on here, but it's a good setup to know. The fill flash umbrella was a reflector, and the main light was a shoot through. Back light was just a bare strobe with a 1/4 CTO gell to add a little warming.

All strobes were fired using Dave's Cyber Sync triggers....

Main flash, Canon 580 EX II, 1/4 power, reflector.
Fill flash, Canon 580 EX II, 1/8 power, shoot through.
Back light, 1/32 power.


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